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18 April 2020

CREATI VID 19: Wit sharpens – 4th Week

Apps for everything, sites to help, famous album covers that distance band members, startups that emerge from crisis and virtual walks or trips ... these are the ideas that we have collected this fourth week. #Creativity that arises, making visible The Bright Side of Darkness.


Day 16

Apps for everything are being created: to help collaboration among neighbors, Nextdoor; to learn about COVID19, Apple; to know if your friends keep quarantine, Zenly; or Be My Eyes to connect blind people with sighted volunteers through a video call… Those are only some of them. Countries have stopped, but not people.


Day 17

A challenge in the pandemic is to host health care workers who live far from hospitals or could infect others. In South Africa, Ubuntubeds helps matching empty beds from empty hospitality businesses with the needs of healthcare workers. Ubuntu means in Zulu: I am because we are. In Europe: emergencyhome


Day 18

Another initiative to raise awareness about the need for social distancing is the redesign of the covers of famous albums to move band members 6 feet away from each other. #6feetcovers is an initiative by Activista Los Angeles. Follow them on Instagram and Website.


Day 19

It is time for being creative. And now that is what we have the most, time. We always miss having hours to set in motion those ideas we write in a notebook. If you need inspiration, these are some of the startups that emerged from the 2008 crisis. Read more.


Day 20

We indeed must stay at home. But who said we couldn’t go for a walk? It is a matter of imagination. Put your headphones on, train your ears, and get ready to walk under the rain, go to the Phatra Market in Bangkok, visit Venice... or what about a safari in South Africa Enjoy!!

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